Dental Sedation for Relaxed Visits
There is no need to let nervousness keep you from receiving the dental care you need. Our dental team at Karo Dental offers IV and nitrous oxide sedation techniques to help you feel more comfortable during your visit.
In addition to offering the sedation options, we will work at your pace, take breaks when you need them, and provide calm reassurance as needed. Ask us how we can help you feel relaxed during your appointment.
IV Sedation
IV (intravenous) sedatives are administered directly into the bloodstream to allow for quick sedation. This type of sedation puts you into a deeply relaxed state, although you will remain awake. Even so, you may become so relaxed that you find yourself falling asleep. Our dental team will attach you to a monitor so the dentist can monitor your vital signs during the procedure and ease you back to consciousness once you are finished.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is administered through the mouth and nose. Once inhaled, the medication calms and relaxes you. You may find that along with a decrease in anxiety, you are also able to withstand more pain and may even find that time seems to pass quickly. Don't worry if you have an unexpected nap while receiving nitrous oxide sedation. Our team will gently wake you once your treatment is complete.